Sam espcaed from unnr the truck. I see it! Say she did say it, wit her eyes.
COMMANDO ZUK fried the lasors at hur. SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT he was SHOUTING do that shoot her do it!!!
Samuas triedf to jum p up a ledger but could not could not grip it for she not had THE POWER crip. DARN WHERE IS IT AT? She frustated ly said out loud...
THE MAP OF COURSE! She hit the smart button and saw a "unknowned" sibnal in Nofair. She needed the missiles ss theouh. COMMANSER ZUK was clozing in fast! Se had to hurry fast!
No fair was hot, but the power grips, Samus got. Samos went to turns but ZUK stud their wi. t a platoob of spave porits. I have y'all now! he chortled! SHOOT
BUT saamus was alreedy on the lege=!~ Too bad, "ZUk", "she said" and the laxors sit all the rochs and the room FELL DOWN on ZUK AND HIS PIRATES.
dedicated to my old GF cum back baby i miss you : (
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Cummandor Suk was angry! e had just ben beetan by samusz 2wice in the row!2 is boss say to him "ZUK YOU MUST BE VICTORYUS OE B FIRED!!!" Zuk new tat "fired" meatn "death" for real, so he got in his think tube 2 think o a plan.............
Satus waf exsited to get a lerret in thee spacemails! UIt sayed to her thus: CONGRATS! YUO HAVE WUN THE GRAND PRISE!!! PLZ come t0 planut Sweptakes to get this prize~~!
Saymus had nevur won a przie before!so she set coarse fortheplanetsaid on the leter....she got therre. !
[note! Its the trick! That is a secret so not do tell!}
Samqz sappily ladned on a serfuce and wuz met tere bye a man with suit and flowurs; hello, lucky winnar! tha'ts what he sad. "Im happy 3 have won, sir!" say smauzus but then the man was COMMANDERZ UK! NOOOOOOO say aamuas as sh fierd her lasors!!!!!
Oh ohhohoh! lawfed ZUK. I got you know, you hopeluss dunce!! he was shooting a palsma kannon neerly strikong SAMUS. Sumus try fight back bu ZUK throw a net to capture samus and it work...
Satus waf exsited to get a lerret in thee spacemails! UIt sayed to her thus: CONGRATS! YUO HAVE WUN THE GRAND PRISE!!! PLZ come t0 planut Sweptakes to get this prize~~!
Saymus had nevur won a przie before!so she set coarse fortheplanetsaid on the leter....she got therre. !
[note! Its the trick! That is a secret so not do tell!}
Samqz sappily ladned on a serfuce and wuz met tere bye a man with suit and flowurs; hello, lucky winnar! tha'ts what he sad. "Im happy 3 have won, sir!" say smauzus but then the man was COMMANDERZ UK! NOOOOOOO say aamuas as sh fierd her lasors!!!!!
Oh ohhohoh! lawfed ZUK. I got you know, you hopeluss dunce!! he was shooting a palsma kannon neerly strikong SAMUS. Sumus try fight back bu ZUK throw a net to capture samus and it work...
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Amus had this apotded ant. who was getung married. so samus needed to get ready! :D
First a dress for wear samus chose blue t mattch her eyes she ulso got a blendur as wedding gift
flew her ship down to platnet Matrimoni hello aunts and adoptive family! Hello, Samus!
tHE wwedding was so pretty and aunt was happy and everyboyd cried even samus a littl bit. Affter teh service thtwer was the bookay toss. All o the womens linned up to ry to catch the love and guess who cawt it? SAMUS! She was red with embrrasment. everybody go "ooooh"
BUT THEN THERE was a LUGHING and behind the whole parti with a drink and BOWETIE WAS COMMANDER ZUK!
"Ah haha!" he chuckeled "u lt your caugrd down, samus! NowI HAVE YOU" and shot he did thegun but samus thought quicklike and throw bookay flowers into gun shooter hole, blocking ut and makin it EXPLODE
"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRF" Screemeched Zuk and he ran away. Everydoyd clapped and hten it ws time to dance!
(dedicated to adoptive family)
First a dress for wear samus chose blue t mattch her eyes she ulso got a blendur as wedding gift
flew her ship down to platnet Matrimoni hello aunts and adoptive family! Hello, Samus!
tHE wwedding was so pretty and aunt was happy and everyboyd cried even samus a littl bit. Affter teh service thtwer was the bookay toss. All o the womens linned up to ry to catch the love and guess who cawt it? SAMUS! She was red with embrrasment. everybody go "ooooh"
BUT THEN THERE was a LUGHING and behind the whole parti with a drink and BOWETIE WAS COMMANDER ZUK!
"Ah haha!" he chuckeled "u lt your caugrd down, samus! NowI HAVE YOU" and shot he did thegun but samus thought quicklike and throw bookay flowers into gun shooter hole, blocking ut and makin it EXPLODE
"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRF" Screemeched Zuk and he ran away. Everydoyd clapped and hten it ws time to dance!
(dedicated to adoptive family)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
#ten ir elvin: Ssamuses cool vacation!! 9dult content)
There was a few dais wehen sAMSU diddent like to fite monsers and and aliens, so shee did go on vacation. SHE LOOKED AT BROSURES TP FINDD a coool plapnet 2 b oon. Planet Hawaii! Looks purfuct to my visions, say Samus.
As she finisshed fliyng tere, it was pretty!!! Oooh, I say, Samus say, it luk relazing...
Sagus lamded hur shipe and ten got a lay on her neck, just like Hwaai! Ohhownice! Snamus changed WARNING ADULT CONENT into a bikikini to be on the beech.. She keep her ray stum gun with er to safe
so the beac wass good, Sasmu forolicked in a sea chaffed seagulls and then tanned pn a towowl/ As tehsun went sinkin unto the sea she had WARMING ADULT CONTENT margherita! :D
Sanus made tiny talk at the bartman but...behind her camet he sound of LAUGHTAR. FOR AT A TABEL wit a drink n a bow tye was COMMANDAR ZUK o the spave pyrits! greetings, : saumus, you look simply...............ravasishing (adult content behind)
ZUK WAS THINKKING TAT HE CAUGT SAMUW UN-ARMED, BUT she fiered frum hur STUM GUM and ZUK GO ARRRGH and smauz fly away in ship
The barmen say "she furgot to pay me, oh well a purty ladi"
(dedicated to vacation)
As she finisshed fliyng tere, it was pretty!!! Oooh, I say, Samus say, it luk relazing...
Sagus lamded hur shipe and ten got a lay on her neck, just like Hwaai! Ohhownice! Snamus changed WARNING ADULT CONENT into a bikikini to be on the beech.. She keep her ray stum gun with er to safe
so the beac wass good, Sasmu forolicked in a sea chaffed seagulls and then tanned pn a towowl/ As tehsun went sinkin unto the sea she had WARMING ADULT CONTENT margherita! :D
Sanus made tiny talk at the bartman but...behind her camet he sound of LAUGHTAR. FOR AT A TABEL wit a drink n a bow tye was COMMANDAR ZUK o the spave pyrits! greetings, : saumus, you look simply...............ravasishing (adult content behind)
ZUK WAS THINKKING TAT HE CAUGT SAMUW UN-ARMED, BUT she fiered frum hur STUM GUM and ZUK GO ARRRGH and smauz fly away in ship
The barmen say "she furgot to pay me, oh well a purty ladi"
(dedicated to vacation)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
#9nine Bookstore Brawl (feat. reading, for educatin)
Sometimes often samus aran the bounty hmunter did get board wen politoting her shipp trew the cosmoz. So then she went to a bokkstore for books@
Store was full f books, Samass had nver seem so manny! "I'm excited!" she exclaimed to herself, where 2 start??
Ass sammaS viewedd the buks, ter came a BOOM bcuz a spice parite plotoon came to detory miss arayn! Itt wuz werin a new kin of armoar tat culdnt be shot by shots oh no! What do to? Ten smausas had 1 idea! She fmoun a book abut minderals and RED IT TO SEE the weaknuss f the armur was wav beem, so off it shot until teh platun was killd.
All "thansk to books adn readin" sayed Sasmus to the children
(dedicated to teachers/)
Store was full f books, Samass had nver seem so manny! "I'm excited!" she exclaimed to herself, where 2 start??
Ass sammaS viewedd the buks, ter came a BOOM bcuz a spice parite plotoon came to detory miss arayn! Itt wuz werin a new kin of armoar tat culdnt be shot by shots oh no! What do to? Ten smausas had 1 idea! She fmoun a book abut minderals and RED IT TO SEE the weaknuss f the armur was wav beem, so off it shot until teh platun was killd.
All "thansk to books adn readin" sayed Sasmus to the children
(dedicated to teachers/)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
#8 Samus + the haunted house
Samuus pilloted her ship down tothe surfuce of planat Phamtom. Her smensors were unfunctional and tehere was myst everywere. The plae was scary.
Samus steeped out of her shup and turmed on her X-RAY viscor. actually her termal visiro. And then she asw in the mist a house, big and anceitn.
Samsus slowly kicked opin the creaky door ver y quietlay. The houuse was dusty cobweds. Tables. Chairs stood about the floors; creks and groans. Samuz knew der was evil ther.
SUDDEN there came a noise and Sumas flippped on her X-RAY visors and viewd a ghost! IT RAN AT HER SCREEMING AND YOWLALING YA GA GA GA! Samused fire her laser shoot at the GHOST but no dmage. GHOST used his goast a ttack wich did dmamage to Samus!!
SMUS was week,, but had secret energy tink and revocred n usded teh Holy Watar to dsipel the ghost afrum the house for good!?
Sazmus left the plabney Phantomph to again fly amung teh stars, no afriad of ghosts once and for all1
(deicated to colours)
Samus steeped out of her shup and turmed on her X-RAY viscor. actually her termal visiro. And then she asw in the mist a house, big and anceitn.
Samsus slowly kicked opin the creaky door ver y quietlay. The houuse was dusty cobweds. Tables. Chairs stood about the floors; creks and groans. Samuz knew der was evil ther.
SUDDEN there came a noise and Sumas flippped on her X-RAY visors and viewd a ghost! IT RAN AT HER SCREEMING AND YOWLALING YA GA GA GA! Samused fire her laser shoot at the GHOST but no dmage. GHOST used his goast a ttack wich did dmamage to Samus!!
SMUS was week,, but had secret energy tink and revocred n usded teh Holy Watar to dsipel the ghost afrum the house for good!?
Sazmus left the plabney Phantomph to again fly amung teh stars, no afriad of ghosts once and for all1
(deicated to colours)
#& Samus on television (feat. Coman O. Brain)
Samus wuz famous. SO she was going 2to go on TV. Many snows whated her on they're progroms, but Samiz thot Canon O' Brian wuz the funniest, so so she picked him show.
"Welcome to the show tonight, every body!" cheekily said the host O'Brion. "we have a great great great how tonite, it will be funny but also laughn." People laugh at this, host Cohan love it!
"Ddi yor eears receive the news about Mistar Perezident?" Spoke host? "NO" sAY THE people.:: "Yeah, it say he fall down stairs into pool and make it wet. CLUMSY LOAF! HA HA" HA HA people go.
Camen O'Vrian Sat DOWN At His Desk. "Lades and gentlesmen, i want you to clap those hands fer owar fist guest, welcome to SAMUS ARAN!" Crowd went nuts! Samus came out to do flips and shoot her gun to impress people, knoced over a sage light! "That okay, say Cinman the host," we replace it.
Samus sat on the chair. "So what super adventures do you done lately?"He said this in a funny way. "I beat some space pie-rats and also helped detroy a monster" Samus say, doing okay for be-ing a bite nervous"
Just then Conan O'Brain laughed because he turned into A MONSTER. A TRICK! SAmus used her canon to blow him up to save the peopale.
Frome backstage came Mister Conan O'Briean who was okay but kidnapped in polot to kill the Samus! The two hugged and told jokes.
(dedicated to Mister Conan O'Brien, you funny goose)
"Welcome to the show tonight, every body!" cheekily said the host O'Brion. "we have a great great great how tonite, it will be funny but also laughn." People laugh at this, host Cohan love it!
"Ddi yor eears receive the news about Mistar Perezident?" Spoke host? "NO" sAY THE people.:: "Yeah, it say he fall down stairs into pool and make it wet. CLUMSY LOAF! HA HA" HA HA people go.
Camen O'Vrian Sat DOWN At His Desk. "Lades and gentlesmen, i want you to clap those hands fer owar fist guest, welcome to SAMUS ARAN!" Crowd went nuts! Samus came out to do flips and shoot her gun to impress people, knoced over a sage light! "That okay, say Cinman the host," we replace it.
Samus sat on the chair. "So what super adventures do you done lately?"He said this in a funny way. "I beat some space pie-rats and also helped detroy a monster" Samus say, doing okay for be-ing a bite nervous"
Just then Conan O'Brain laughed because he turned into A MONSTER. A TRICK! SAmus used her canon to blow him up to save the peopale.
Frome backstage came Mister Conan O'Briean who was okay but kidnapped in polot to kill the Samus! The two hugged and told jokes.
(dedicated to Mister Conan O'Brien, you funny goose)
6## Samuz meats the presidant
Smuz Arn had ben assined a vry impotant misson... ?She had to fli her ship to teh preisedant of the galacsy's house nd take him to the site of a big meetings. Ssrnus was happy to meet the presadint.
Wen she got 2 prez hous,, she saw the man stand on porch waving: he walked up at her and shuk ur hand "my my arent you somethn" say prez. Sa,us was embareassed.
Sawmus did fly tru space with mR. pres. Ever-ee-thing was go in g well until it wans not! SPACE PIRUTS shouting the pres as the pirate horse came ouut of the astertoids.: "Hold on!!! sayd" Ssamus as she facny felw hur gunship. BOOM BOOM thelaser cannots wet, BOOM BLAM werent the purots spaceshipss. Prez was asstoundand!
They made it to meeting, prez said to all "THIS WOMAN IS GREAT!" and decid to betsow uppon her the highest metal i the glaxy, the medal of the president!
(dedicated to mr. president)
Wen she got 2 prez hous,, she saw the man stand on porch waving: he walked up at her and shuk ur hand "my my arent you somethn" say prez. Sa,us was embareassed.
Sawmus did fly tru space with mR. pres. Ever-ee-thing was go in g well until it wans not! SPACE PIRUTS shouting the pres as the pirate horse came ouut of the astertoids.: "Hold on!!! sayd" Ssamus as she facny felw hur gunship. BOOM BOOM thelaser cannots wet, BOOM BLAM werent the purots spaceshipss. Prez was asstoundand!
They made it to meeting, prez said to all "THIS WOMAN IS GREAT!" and decid to betsow uppon her the highest metal i the glaxy, the medal of the president!
(dedicated to mr. president)
#5 number five Samus's Fvaorite colors
Hi ther I'm Samus Aran of Metroids, and I like some colous, but not others, so here are them.
1. Red-orance because my suit is of this color
2/ Green is nice
3. blue is my zero suits color, it mutches my eyes
4. Purple for kings
5.thecolor of toast
6. i love the cooler of metroids even though ihate metroids its a problem
7. the green that zebes is on crateria ery nice
Sum collors I donot like:
11. yellow
2. mother brain
3. pink cause only littel gurls lik pink and i am a woman
(dedicated to colors)
1. Red-orance because my suit is of this color
2/ Green is nice
3. blue is my zero suits color, it mutches my eyes
4. Purple for kings
5.thecolor of toast
6. i love the cooler of metroids even though ihate metroids its a problem
7. the green that zebes is on crateria ery nice
Sum collors I donot like:
11. yellow
2. mother brain
3. pink cause only littel gurls lik pink and i am a woman
(dedicated to colors)
#4 Samus' dog Spoof
Samas Aryan was, sometimes, very loney in her gunsship. She didnt have fri-ends because she k illed peopole. and monsters so she said "I shalt get a dog" and she flew to te pet store planet.
it did ot take her long to find the perfect dog.... IT was poofy and round of fur and barked cutly. "This one, please" she said to the store octopus. "Okay, man'm, 50 credits (money in Samus' world)" Samoz also bout some puppy litter and food.
Welcome to my gunship, our home, told Samus to tha dog. "Whut shall I name thou?" then the dog went SPOOF SPOOF (not woof like a dog would) and Seamus said Yeah, good Spoof is your name now. Samus thrw the ball.
Samus had a dangerous mission now' there was SPACE PRIATS at Sector K and she must kill them. When she got to were theywas; she spoke to Spoof "It is risky, you stay hear," and locked the gunship but Spoof got out with out her knowance.
Samus battald the pirates, and one BEHIND HER but Spoof jumped in the way o the lasar and kept Sanus alife. NOOOO SPOOOOOF ad samus killed with amny power shots
Samus flew away her ship. She was very sad. She looked at Spoofs bowl. My friend
(dedicated to all friends who miss dogs)
it did ot take her long to find the perfect dog.... IT was poofy and round of fur and barked cutly. "This one, please" she said to the store octopus. "Okay, man'm, 50 credits (money in Samus' world)" Samoz also bout some puppy litter and food.
Welcome to my gunship, our home, told Samus to tha dog. "Whut shall I name thou?" then the dog went SPOOF SPOOF (not woof like a dog would) and Seamus said Yeah, good Spoof is your name now. Samus thrw the ball.
Samus had a dangerous mission now' there was SPACE PRIATS at Sector K and she must kill them. When she got to were theywas; she spoke to Spoof "It is risky, you stay hear," and locked the gunship but Spoof got out with out her knowance.
Samus battald the pirates, and one BEHIND HER but Spoof jumped in the way o the lasar and kept Sanus alife. NOOOO SPOOOOOF ad samus killed with amny power shots
Samus flew away her ship. She was very sad. She looked at Spoofs bowl. My friend
(dedicated to all friends who miss dogs)
#3# Samuz's furst bad wurd
One day Asamus Saran was in high school. She had just transferred from a school other than the one sh was in this day.
"Ahhh, good to be school"; she signed. THEN bullies came to her.
"Ur dat new girl with no mother AND no father" they chortled. "wHat a L FOR LOSER" and they walked away has samus made tears in her eybealls.
"I will cry in teh bathroom where nobody will be." she sbobbed. In there, witht he smelly watr, she smaw on the wall was written "bungz". A was this a word smaus hadneverseen b-4: WHAT IS
Samus just went out of math to see the bullis again. "Hay, they said, it's the loser hi loser" they mirthed. Sams was so MAD she said tot hem "BUNGZ" THE BULies were shocked!!: they were all "YOU CANNOT SAY THIS" and tey told on her and she nver used that word again because it was bad.
"Ahhh, good to be school"; she signed. THEN bullies came to her.
"Ur dat new girl with no mother AND no father" they chortled. "wHat a L FOR LOSER" and they walked away has samus made tears in her eybealls.
"I will cry in teh bathroom where nobody will be." she sbobbed. In there, witht he smelly watr, she smaw on the wall was written "bungz". A was this a word smaus hadneverseen b-4: WHAT IS
Samus just went out of math to see the bullis again. "Hay, they said, it's the loser hi loser" they mirthed. Sams was so MAD she said tot hem "BUNGZ" THE BULies were shocked!!: they were all "YOU CANNOT SAY THIS" and tey told on her and she nver used that word again because it was bad.
2# Samuss favorite brekfast
Saanus starts her day lik this:
1 toast
3 zoomer eggs
1 glass hopper blud (fer vitimins)
50 english muffans
1cinnoman bun
#4 bagel
irish ale
bakon or ham r saugsage
She also liks teh newspaper in the mornin whist watching a sun rise.
1 toast
3 zoomer eggs
1 glass hopper blud (fer vitimins)
50 english muffans
1cinnoman bun
#4 bagel
irish ale
bakon or ham r saugsage
She also liks teh newspaper in the mornin whist watching a sun rise.
1# Sammus battels Mutha Brains Sister
Sammus Aran flew er gunpship at Zebes. She had the newz that the palnnet ad been remadE by teh evli sister of MOTHER BRIAN.
Smus landeed and found a Morf Ball, and some mississles also. she thought she sawed a Metroid, but tit was only a homologram.
Samus finally saw teh door to Tourian, were evil sister was making her base. "I sahll do this here:" she whispered loudly to everyone, "no monstar will stop me!" She shotted the door and THRE IT WAS, BEING A BIG EVIL THING, TEH SISTER OF MOTHER BRAIN! Smaus shot a missale but it just bounced off like a @3drf..
"NO!" Samus screemed; "why don't it work!?!?" "Bcause u r weak!" gurbled eth Brian. "" I eat yo now!"
"AUGH" samus yelped, as brain opened its big mouth and eat her. wait "i have idea she said" and used a ShineSPARK to ezcape and kill the Sister!!! I WIN
THENS HE saw a Chozo goast noddin at er, b-cuz it was happi to view sh had becum such a good fighter. Ammus Cried.
Smus landeed and found a Morf Ball, and some mississles also. she thought she sawed a Metroid, but tit was only a homologram.
Samus finally saw teh door to Tourian, were evil sister was making her base. "I sahll do this here:" she whispered loudly to everyone, "no monstar will stop me!" She shotted the door and THRE IT WAS, BEING A BIG EVIL THING, TEH SISTER OF MOTHER BRAIN! Smaus shot a missale but it just bounced off like a @3drf..
"NO!" Samus screemed; "why don't it work!?!?" "Bcause u r weak!" gurbled eth Brian. "" I eat yo now!"
"AUGH" samus yelped, as brain opened its big mouth and eat her. wait "i have idea she said" and used a ShineSPARK to ezcape and kill the Sister!!! I WIN
THENS HE saw a Chozo goast noddin at er, b-cuz it was happi to view sh had becum such a good fighter. Ammus Cried.
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