Wednesday, January 13, 2010

#& Samus on television (feat. Coman O. Brain)

Samus wuz famous. SO she was going 2to go on TV. Many snows whated her on they're progroms, but Samiz thot Canon O' Brian wuz the funniest, so so she picked him show.

"Welcome to the show tonight, every body!" cheekily said the host O'Brion. "we have a great great great how tonite, it will be funny but also laughn." People laugh at this, host Cohan love it!

"Ddi yor eears receive the news about Mistar Perezident?" Spoke host? "NO" sAY THE people.:: "Yeah, it say he fall down stairs into pool and make it wet. CLUMSY LOAF! HA HA" HA HA people go.

Camen O'Vrian Sat DOWN At His Desk. "Lades and gentlesmen, i want you to clap those hands fer owar fist guest, welcome to SAMUS ARAN!" Crowd went nuts! Samus came out to do flips and shoot her gun to impress people, knoced over a sage light! "That okay, say Cinman the host," we replace it.

Samus sat on the chair. "So what super adventures do you done lately?"He said this in a funny way. "I beat some space pie-rats and also helped detroy a monster" Samus say, doing okay for be-ing a bite nervous"

Just then Conan O'Brain laughed because he turned into A MONSTER. A TRICK! SAmus used her canon to blow him up to save the peopale.

Frome backstage came Mister Conan O'Briean who was okay but kidnapped in polot to kill the Samus! The two hugged and told jokes.


(dedicated to Mister Conan O'Brien, you funny goose)

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